WHO we are?
上海儒熵新能源科技有限公司是由一群專業背景為高分子,化學工程, 熱力學工程, 通信工程的專業人士創立, 是一家專業從事相變材料技術,各類復合相變材料以及相變應用產品研究、開發和銷售的高科技公司。
儒熵公司在相變材料領域和國內外上下游產業鏈企業保持密切的合作伙伴關系,為中國市場提供高純度(99.0%~99.9%)C14,C16, C17, C18正構烷烴石蠟。通過產業鏈的整合,發揮儒熵高性能復合相變材料技術,相變納微膠囊技術的優勢,可為各行各業的用戶提供創新的應用解決方案和高性價比產品。例如:冷鏈托盤相變毯、相變降溫服、相變恒溫熱敷、冷敷解決方案、相變節能板等
1. 固液相變材料( -21℃~120℃)
2. 固固有機凝膠相變材料
3. 相變微膠囊
4. 相變袋 | 相變板 | 相變盒 | 相變球
5. 相變降溫服 | 降溫服插袋 | 相變冷熱敷 | 相變調溫墊 | 降溫圍脖
About Tempered Entropy
China phase change mateiral supplier Tempered Entropy offers solid-liquid PCM, solid-solid PCM composite such as PCM Gel, Expanded Graphite (EG) composite PCM, microencapsulation PCM and application products for cold chain, construction, textile, electronics cooling, consumer goods industries.
Our solid-liquid PCMs include organic PCMs and normal paraffin PCMs with various temperature choices. Normal paraffin, tetradecane, hexadecane, heptadecane and octadecane are min in 99% and they have been widely used by PCM experts worldwide.
We not only work with our normal paraffin factory partners together to bring highest quality PCM to the market but also make bio PCMs, PCM gel and EG composite PCM in our own facility. In addition, we are working with several mpcm makers worldwide to supply the market best performance mpcm products with affordable price.
固液相變材料技術, 復合相變材料技術, 相變材料封裝技術, 應用產品及解決方案
- 高純度正構烷烴石蠟
- 有機和無機固液相變材料技術
- 有機固固相變凝膠技術
- 相變微膠囊技術
- 石墨復合相變技術
- 高分子復合相變技術